Lung Health: Here are some tips to keep your respiratory system healthy during Coronavirus outbreak – PINKVILLA

Coronavirus is a contagious virus that impacts your respiratory system and while there is no cure or method to prevent this virus, keeping our lungs healthy can be a precautionary method to strengthen our respiratory system.

The novel coronavirus is an infection that seems a lot like flu but it eventually takes a toll on our respiratory system and makes it very difficult to breathe. This is why we all need to worry about our lung health during this pandemic. We all need to take care of our lungs and maintain their health. Just like any other part of our body, we also need to care for our lungs because they too age with time and become weaker which can impact our life and overall health.

Aside from boosting our immunity we also need to maintain our lungs and ensure that we protect our respiratory system. Without our lungs, our body won't be able to function properly due to the lack of oxygen supply. Our lungs use mucus to protect themselves and fight germs and bacteria and this is why we need to ensure that our body functions properly and keep our lungs healthy.

1. Smoking puts you at the risk of lung cancer and other respiratory problems due to the harmful chemicals that you inhale. It also damages your lungs and weakens their capacity and lead to breathing problems. It can also cause your lungs to age and this is why now would be a good time to quit smoking or never try smoking at all.

2. Workout is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise can help in keeping your lungs in shape. When you work out, your heart beats faster and makes your lungs expand and work harder as well which in turn increases your lung capacity.

3. Pollution can damage your lungs and make them age faster, this is why it's very important to stay away from any pollutants which can harm your lungs and make them vulnerable. Avoid being in polluted areas and passive smoking. Keep your home clean and dust-free and avoid inhaling chemicals via synthetic scents.

4. Your lungs become vulnerable to infections and bacteria when they age this is why it's important to take steps to avoid lung infections by washing your hands regularly and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet and drinking water to reduce the toxins in your body and boost your immune system.

5. Add breathing exercises in your daily routine to improve the capacity of your lungs. When you breathe deep you put your lungs to use and make them more efficient and also helps you relax and reduces stress.

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Lung Health: Here are some tips to keep your respiratory system healthy during Coronavirus outbreak - PINKVILLA

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