Letters to the editor – Opinion – Utica Observer Dispatch

Child caregivers can contact WIC

More and more children are being raised by grandparents or other caregivers in our community. In fact, it is estimated that over 130,000 grandparents are raising grandchildren in New York state.

Single fathers, foster parents, and other relatives like aunts and uncles, cousins and siblings are full-time caretakers for many children as well. While there are a lot of reasons why a child may need to live with a grandparent, relative or foster parent, one thing is certain: there are services that can help make life easier.

The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program is a program that can do exactly that. WIC provides healthy food, nutrition advice and referrals to other helpful services for children younger than 5. Caregivers of a child younger than 5 can apply on behalf of that child. WIC promotes and supports a healthy lifestyle. For free, confidential help with WIC, contact your local WIC Help Specialist at 315-624-9930 ext. 2390.

Nicole Nardozza, Rome

Nardozza is a WIC Help Specialist with Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency in Rome, serving Oneida & Onondaga counties.

A couple seconds can save your life

Ive been driving for over 55 years, and was a salesperson for over 30 years. So Ive seen a lot and learned even more through the driving experience.

I have a tip for you today. When you approach a stoplight and you are the lead car and the light turns green, take a second or two and look both ways before you move your vehicle. That one or two seconds can save your life or prevent a bad accident.

So many times people dont take time and just take off. So remember to take two or three seconds and look both ways because that other person may not stop when they should. Be smart and be safe.

Greg Riddle, Mohawk

Utility companies can help businesses

I recently had a conversation with a county legislator, and I proposed to him my idea of assistance for small businesses that are already severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

I proposed that utility companies that charge a commercial rate for gas and electric service adjust that rate back to a residential rate. The theory behind the commercial rate is they can pass it along to their customers.

To some local businesses, customers are in short supply. Our local business owners could sure use the help, and it isnt like the utility companies arent getting anything, just a lower rate.

I think the utility companies can afford to compromise on this issue until our economy begins to improve.

Jeff Zahniser, Mohawk

Tenney clearly the right choice

In the past 20 years, I know the county has had five different representatives in Congress: Sherwood Boehlert, Michael Arcuri, Richard Hanna, Claudia Tenney and now Anthony Brindisi. However, only one has been the most successful, and it isnt the one you think.

When Claudia Tenney was first elected in 2017, she hit the ground running, putting Upstate New York on the map with President Trump by meeting with him and showcasing our wonderful region whenever possible.

Tenney got to work almost immediately for veterans and our military, advocating for Rome Labs and a strong increase in defense spending in the first Defense Bill that she would vote on.

Tenney then went on to advocate for Sherrill Manufacturing and was able to get the group to showcase their product at the White House while simultaneously passing bills that increased accountability in the Veterans Administration and cut dangerous regulations in our financial sector. By the end of her first term, Tenney had passed a number of bills and worked directly on both the Tax Bill and the Farm Bill and held forums across the district.

It would be a big mistake for NY-22 to fail to send this great leader back to Congress to work alongside of President Trump in 2020 to help keep NY-22 great. In my eyes on a scale of 1 to 10 Claudia is Ten----ney!

Kevin C. Moreau Sr., Whitesboro

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Letters to the editor - Opinion - Utica Observer Dispatch

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