Keep your germs to yourself at the gym to stop the spread of all diseases, not just coronavirus –

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. If you go to a gym that's anywhere but in your own garage, you've probably gotten an email from the staff about steps they're taking to keep things clean as coronavirus slowly starts to spread across the country.

You may also notice those steps are things that gym staff and you should already be doing every time you workout.

That's wash your hands, wipe down your equipment and maybe don't cough or sneeze on strangers anybody ever.

Those tips are being shared by lots of gyms, including YMCA of East Tennessee.

"After you get off your equipment, if you can go behind yourself and wipe down the equipment," said Bekah Grace, Executive Director of the Cansler Family YMCA in North Knoxville. "Yes we have staff that do that always, we definitely keep our equipment clean and healthy for our members, but every little bit helps."

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It should be common practice for gym goers, but as the risk of coronavirus spreads gyms like the YMCA are taking this opportunity to remind their users to keep it clean.

"Wiping down machines and equipment, washing hands frequently, and then of course if you are exhibiting any signs and symptoms, fever, cold, anything like that just stay at home for right now," said Grace.

Grace said these requests are nothing new, and wiping equipment and washing hands can help prevent any virus from spreading, not just coronavirus.

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"It's not like all of a sudden we feel this need to keep things clean," she said. "That's a common practice around here and always will be. It's nothing new and it's nothing we're gonna stop as soon as this passes."

Don't be afraid to go to the gym.

"We do think a workout and a healthy lifestyle helps boost your immune system so if you're feeling healthy we'd love to see you here at the Y to maintain that healthy immune system and keep everybody in our community healthy." said Grace.

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Just keep your germs to yourself.

"We want to make sure that you're washing hands, wiping down equipment, but not necessarily panicking," said Grace.

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Keep your germs to yourself at the gym to stop the spread of all diseases, not just coronavirus -

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