Karolyn Boyd: Master a Healthy Lifestyle – The Story Exchange

Name:Karolyn Boyd

Business: Karolyn Boyd

Location:Gatineau, Canada

Industry:Healthcare, Wellness & FitnessReason for starting?In 1998, I was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. I was bedridden for two years and was given all these medications and told by the medical community I would be disabled all my life and would not live past 40. I could not accept that and knew there was a better way. I was a kinesiologist and was doing my masters in molecular medicine and specialized in metabolism at the time. It took me about 12 years to heal and I am still on the journey. I have dealt with my medical condition by improving my lifestyle and it is the very tools that saved me that I share with passion with my clients to help them reverse their diabetes. Yoga, meditation, holistic nutrition and exercise. I am now no longer afraid and am the upcoming author of Food Freedom; How to Begin Your Path of Self-Mastery and Reverse Diabetes The New Rules of Living in Todays World. My passion is helping people find their courage to change.

Related:Read about another Healthcare, Wellness & Fitness entrepreneur here.How do you define success?In my job, it is important to help people have a paradigm shift regarding their current way of doing things and helping them realize that there are other options available and that they have the power to do something about it. The choice is always there . . . they simply have to decide to act. Once they have decided, it is important to establish good habits. So success for me is ensuring that the tools that I share with my tribe ultimately bring them independence. They do this by helping them become confident in applying the tools. It takes courage to change and try new options and allow yourself to be open enough to consider another way. This to me, is success when I help someone see other possibilities than their current reality.Biggest success:Reversing diabetes in my clients is my biggest success. When you get the testimonial, you helped save my life, this makes me want to cry out of joy!I want my message to be shared with everyone! I feel it is too important not to. People have to become aware of what they are eating, because how we are currently living at the moment, is killing us. Diabetes is becoming an epidemic and would be completely avoidable if we ate properly. We need to take back our power and find wellness. Brand awareness is super important for me. I feel it is important to start a revolution because our lifestyle is too important. It is for the survival of the human species. I have an online program called Diabetes UTurn which is a 90 day online course to reverse diabetes. I want to sell this course.What is your top challengeand how you have addressed it?I am so passionate about my work that sometimes I forget that it is a business and I have to live from this! I have gotten mentors to assist me. Marcus and Andy are part of the Wellness Leadership Academy and have helped me package my magic and learn how to sell my passion. Scott Oldford has taught me how to do online marketing. I also have local mentors who help me work with my weaknesses and use my strengths to run my business. I also have mentors through my publisher (Black Card Books and Gerry Robert) who are amazing at helping me use my book as a business tool!

In January 2017, I was diagnosed with end stage kidney disease. My lupus has attacked my kidneys. I was on the transplant list as well as needed dialysis. I have since brought my lifestyle up a notch and only eat a certain way, ensure I get 10h of sleep a day and must keep my stress levels to the minimum to survive, but reversed my condition! I still have limited renal function but have absolutely NO pain (which is unheard of for the medical community) and have ample energy, mentally and physically to run my business. I no longer have fear that most people have. I know what real fear is, and it is not being afraid of being your best self. That is nothing compared to the real fear of dying. This is why I am ready to step it up (since January) and decided to go ahead and write this book, which has to come out of me!

Related:How a Mothers Grief Inspired a MissionWho is your most important role model?Jeffrey Bland, the creator of Metagenics. He knows his biochemistry so well and is so inspiring because he uses his intelligence to help people.

Edited by The Story Exchange

Posted: August 7, 2017

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Karolyn Boyd: Master a Healthy Lifestyle - The Story Exchange

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