Irvines residents are healthy, happy and fit – Irvine Standard

IRVINE HAS TWO AWARD-WINNING HOSPITALS in the heart of the city by design.

Hoag and Kaiser Permanente anchor the Sand Canyon Medical Corridor that was master planned to put comprehensive medical care within a few minutes of everyones home. (In comparison, less than half of Orange County cities have even a single hospital.)

The Master Plans promise of balance also includes a healthy lifestyle with abundant parks, open space, bike trails, athletic fields and farm-fresh food.

As a result, three recent studies by Anthem Foundations Fittest Cities in America, and Niches Healthiest Places to Live in America, and WalletHubs Healthiest U.S. Cities all ranked Irvine among Americas top 10 healthiest cities.

Nature Connection

Irvines Master Plan has created one of the greenest cities in America, with 271 parks and access to 57,500 acres of open space that has been compared to a national park in our backyard. The benefits? Walking in all this nature, according to recent research, makes us feel calmer, happier and more creative.

UCI Health

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Irvines residents are healthy, happy and fit - Irvine Standard

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