How Healthy Lifestyle Habits Will Save You Money on Long-Term Health Care – The Good Men Project

Taking care of your physical body while you are younger is a great way to try to get in front of any health problems down the road that could affect your health care premiums and eligibility.

November 27, 2020 by Justin Weinger Leave a Comment

Living a healthy lifestyle is important for so many reasons, but a lesser-known one is to offset the costs of long-term health care during the later seasons of your life. Taking care of your physical body while you are younger is a great way to try to get in front of any health problems down the road that could affect your health care premiums and eligibility. Building these healthy habits as early as possible in your life also gives you time to incorporate them into your daily life to the point that they become a part of your routine and maintaining them is easy. As we age our bodies become less capable of achieving health goals they are not conditioned to reach. This means that prevention is the best medicine and hope for creating a physical body that can serve you through all the seasons of your life.

Activities as simple as walking can be great improvements to your overall health, and pending you do not have any physical limitations, a daily walk is an easy and accessible way to add in a health-conscious activity to your daily routine. Your cardiovascular strength plays a large role in your overall health, which will be evaluated when it comes time to settle on insurance plans and premiums. Avoiding any preexisting conditions that come because of unhealthy living is going to set you up for more affordable options because companies will not view your potential claims as high risk.

Changes to your diet will also yield positive changes in your overall health. Balance and moderation are generally good rules to live by, but at different ages and stages of life, our bodies need different things nutritionally speaking. Eating in a way that supports longevity and fosters healthy habits is the most sustainable way long-term to keep your body as highly functioning as possible.

Not all ailments can be prevented but that does not mean that we should not try. Health-minded lifestyle choices will help to facilitate this but what if you have done all you can regarding prevention but still find yourself chronically or terminally ill? A key term in the world of long-term health care that is heavily hinged onto chronic illness is viatical settlement. This term refers to the transfer of ownership of the policy by someone who is either chronically or terminally ill to a third party. Ideally, a candidate would not consider this settlement an option until extremely near the end of their life but if it is unavoidable you should not make this decision in haste.

There are a few common motivators that apply to people seeking a viatical settlement. Financial needs that are pushing you to forgo your health benefits and receive cash via a viatical settlement is one. Others include the absence of beneficiaries or having financially independent loved ones that you feel you do not need to leave anything behind for, and an expiring policy. As opposed to letting your policy expire worthless you can convert it to a payment plan and sell it via a viatical settlement.

Photo: Shutterstock

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How Healthy Lifestyle Habits Will Save You Money on Long-Term Health Care - The Good Men Project

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