HEALTHY LIVING | 8 ways to keep healthy this summer

By the Manila Doctors Hospital | In partnership with InterAksyon Lifestyle Section Wednesday, March 26, 2014 1:50 pm

Adding fresh fruits like lemons to your water is a refreshing way to hydrate for summer. Photo by Peter C. Marquez,

Its official, summers here! And for most people, this means beach trips, parties, barbecues, and cooling down under the scorching heat with the whole family and friends. Its easy to have fun and enjoy the sun, but staying healthy during summer requires more than just doing worthwhile activities and eating the right kind of food.

Summer is the excellent time for everyone to increase their outdoor activity and avoid a year-round sedentary lifestyle. But summer also presents risks, such as heatstroke, skin cancer, dehydration and even fatigue.

Regardless of your summer activity, the hot and humid days can be detrimental to you and your familys health. It is highly important to incorporate healthy habits into you summer activities as you plan for quality time with your family and friends.

Here are some ways on how to keep a healthy lifestyle during summer season:

1. Drink up. Sometimes, when youre having too much fun, people tend to forget to keep themselves hydrated. Men should have at least 12 to 15 glasses of fluid intake, while women should have an average intake of 10 to 12 glasses a day to keep their skin youthful and glowing and prevent dehydration. Also remember infants and toddlers are more easily dehydrated than adults, so its really important to keep them equally hydrated too.

2. Know your fashion. Wear appropriate shoes for outdoor activities. If youre doing a lot of walking, running, or jumping, skip those stylish summer sandals and opt for comfortable trainers instead. Avoid blisters and sprains by choosing a good pair of shoes. Wear them with comfortable, cotton socks. Wear light, loose-fitting clothes to help you stay cooler. Also, dont forget your sunglasses to protect your eyes from the suns UV rays. A good pair of sunglasses can help prevent wrinkles and cataract formation.

3. Rest and take cover. The suns heat can easily cause fatigue, as we tend to lose body fluid from excessive sweating. If you feel tired, sit in a shady spot at intervals. Sunburn is painful and unhealthy. Use a good sunscreen and re-apply it frequently during the day to keep your skin cool and help prevent risks of skin cancer. Also, wear a hat or bring an umbrella when taking long walks to keep cool and shaded.

4. Eat well. Maintain your energy level by limiting your intake of fat and sugar; focus on carbohydrates, protein, fruits and vegetables. Excessive fats and sugar consumption can temporarily boost your energy, but may cause heat stress in the long run. Eat refreshing fruits such as watermelon and pineapple to help you cool down. Fibrous fruits and vegetables are known for their fat-reducing capabilities and will help in preventing heat strokes and heart ailments.

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HEALTHY LIVING | 8 ways to keep healthy this summer

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