Healthy Lifestyle

Find Your Healthy Lifestyle Balance: The Wellness Institute for Self Enhancement Could your efforts for healthy living and nutrition actually be unhealthy...even causing many of your most frustrating problems?

In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, many people have become less healthy overall. Perceptions about what constitutes healthy eating or healthy living vary dramatically...and everyone's an "expert". If you are exhausted and confused by the bombardment of "trendy healthy lifestyle information", it is time to get off that crazy train. Healthy living is far simpler and more enjoyable than the prevailing message conveys.

I remember when I first decided to study nutrition, in hopes of one day helping others with some sort of wellness program. Back then I, too, was caught up in the social messages of good and bad foods, mandatory exercise, and the constant fear of my untrustworthy body doing something crazy at any time. I was the proverbial "health nut"...and I was pretty proud of it. I totally bought into the idea that eating patterns and exercise and body somehow indicated my value as a person.

I've found over time that even people who do not have food or body issues tend to have the same underlying struggles. Self-image, anxiety, depression, meaning, identity, relationships and life-purpose are part of most people's lives. Our society gives few clues on how to handle these big lessons--you shouldn't have to hit 'rock bottom' before you have access to therapeutic growth opportunities. Every person benefits from understanding themselves better.

Now a fully recovered former trendy-nutrition guru (when I was an expert prior to getting an actual nutrition degree), I have gone on to work in the areas of identity and purpose, mood issues, life-transitions, eating disorders, weight issues, and overall wellness. Due to the complex nature of overall healthy living, we've added counseling, yoga, creativity, and meditation to our programming and services. The Wellness Institute for Self Enhancement (formerly Nutrition Paradox) provides individual, group, and wellness program options to address the whole person. This is the place to discover comprehensive, lasting enhancement of the awesomeness you already are.

I look forward to our adventures together! --Jennifer Pereira, RD, CSCS, LPC-Intern Program Director, W.I.S.E.

"Let me start off by saying how wonderful it was to stumble upon your blog, it is so refreshing to see a professional (aka not Dr. Oz) giving real advice about healthy eating. I appreciate your posts and the nutritional advice you give... there are so many people out there who could use this information!" -Ellen R., Arizona

The Wellness Institute for Self Enhancement (W.I.S.E.) is physically located in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex (and online!) to promote and support the path to self growth and enhancement. Whether you feel stuck in your current situation, you suffer from low self-esteem/anxiety/depression, family and relationship concerns, issues related to food and weight, or simply want to do some inner soul searching... W.I.S.E has a path for you.

W.I.S.E. offers individual, group, community, and family programming. See our programming page for more specifics about the groups offered.

Community Groups are open to the public. These are donation-only groups and we welcome and encourage everyone who is interested to attend. These groups are typically peer-support groups, and are routinely coordinated and hosted by WISE staff members (may not be a clinician).

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