Healthy lifestyle! These rich and healthy breakfasts will make you raise your defenses from the morning – Explica

If you want your system to be immune from the morning, consume these healthy and delicious breakfasts and immediately raise your defenses!

March 28, 2020

Raising the defenses of the immune system, does not mean that we should always drink orange juice, nor live enslaved by taking food supplements. The healthiest and most effective way is through a good diet from the first hour of the day.

Here we share some healthy recipes for you to put into practice today. Let us begin!

This is a recipe that has foods rich in vitamins that help improve the work of the immune system. Its preparation is very simple: Saut cup of chopped tomato in a frying pan, cut an onion into small pieces and add 1 or 2 diced serrano peppers. Add 2 eggs to this mixture, season with salt and pepper to taste and Bon Appetit!

This powerful juice is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it also contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as fiber and iron.

For this you require: 3 medium carrots. 1 red apple, beets, celery and lemon. Crush the 3 medium carrots, red apple, beets, 1 sprig of celery and the juice of one lemon. Drink the lemon juice without straining it, but if the flavor is very strong, add 2 oranges to sweeten it

Did you know that almonds stimulate the leukocyte levels so they defend us from bacteria and viruses! So what are you waiting for? Eat them during the day! and stay healthy.

How to prepare them: Mix a cup of almond flour, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of butter, vanilla essence, of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of almond milk. Then, pour the mixture into a hot pan like hot cakes and feast on your favorite red fruit.

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Healthy lifestyle! These rich and healthy breakfasts will make you raise your defenses from the morning - Explica

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