From too much boozing to too little exercise, the 12 simple lifestyle tweaks that could prevent 40% of – The Sun

FOUR in ten cases of dementia could be prevented or delayed by adopting a healthier lifestyle, a study reveals.

Experts have identified a dozen modifiable risks from childhood to old age that account for 40 per cent of cases.


It includes too much boozing, too little exercise, smoking, obesity and high blood pressure.

Loneliness, pollution, head injury, hearing loss, depression, diabetes and poor education also increase the odds.

The report was compiled by 28 researchers from around the world, who want individuals and governments to take action.

Lead author Prof Gill Livingston, from University College London, said: We can reduce risks by creating active and healthy environments.

Other suggestions include the wider use of hearing aids, stop-smoking support and safer working practices.


While experts say changing the way you live could help prevent dementia, here's exactly what you need to do to stop it in its tracks.

Experts state that maintaining a systolic blood pressure of 130 mm Hg or less in midlife from around age 40 years will help cut your risk.

Systolic blood pressure is the number that indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats.

This is important as if the pressure is too high then it could lead to complications.

The study states that people could try hearing aids.

They said the use of hearing aids should be encouraged for hearing loss.

It also reduces hearing loss by protecting ears from high noise levels.

Pollution is everywhere we go so it can be hard to get away from but there are things you can do to monitor it.

The experts said reducing your exposure to air pollution and second hand tobacco can help.

Apps are available that monitor the pollution levels outside.

While none of us want a head injury, experts says you should be careful if you are in a profession where you could be more prone to this.

Most of us like a tipple, whether it's a gin and tonic or a pint, but experts say it's important to keep your drinking in check.

To prevent alcohol misuse they say you should limit yourself to 21 units a week.

Men can have 3-4 units a day and women 2-3.


The authors of the report said that this is a good idea at any age but can also reduce your risk of dementia.

It states you should also help support others who want to stop smoking.

While it may seem like a strange point to list, the experts say that an education is key in making sure people don't develop dementia later in life.

Making sure children have both a primary and secondary education is imperative, they say.

We all know the benefits of exercise.

The researchers said that it's important to stay active, especially when you hit the middle of your life.


Keeping a healthy life style will lower your chance of diabetes.

If you are overweight then you are more likely to develop diabetes and there are signs you can look out for.

The government has recently launched numerous plans to help Brits kick start their weight loss journey.

The experts say that a healthy weight can help prevent your risk to dementia.

Getting yourself into a regular routine and a sleep pattern is always a good idea.

The researchers said that more work needs to be done when it comes to connecting sleep to dementia but said that this is part of a healthy lifestyle.

While a lot of focus is pushed on keeping fit, experts say that it's important to make sure you are mentally active through your later years.

This could mean doing activities such as reading or even puzzles.

Fiona Carragher, from the Alzheimers Society, said: The news that 40 per cent of dementia cases are, in theory, now preventable is certainly welcome.

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While we dont have all the answers yet, we can take action now to tackle the risk factors within our control, including excessive drinking, obesity and high blood pressure.

Meanwhile, we need public health policies to address other factors, such as air pollution and inequalities in childhood education.

Around 850,000 people are living with dementia in the UK, with the figure predicted to rise to 1.6million by 2040.

The findings are published in The Lancet and presented at the Alzheimers Association International Conference.

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From too much boozing to too little exercise, the 12 simple lifestyle tweaks that could prevent 40% of - The Sun

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