Forever Living Products Packages 5 million meals to fight world hunger – PRNewswire

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Dec. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --Forever Living Products is hosting a landmark meal packing event to celebrate reaching the company's goal of providing more than 5 million meals to help feed families and combat hunger worldwide.

More than 200 volunteers and employees will package meals on December 18th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the McCormick Ranch Golf Club West Lawn Pavilion to mark the successful completion of the Forever We Rise Campaign. The initiative was launched as part of the partnership between Forever Living Products and Rise Against Hunger with the goal of packaging 5 million meals by 2020.

"Thanks to the dedication and effort of more than 17,000 Forever Living employees and business owners around the world, we didn't just meet, but exceeded our 5 million meal goal," said Forever Living Products President Gregg Maughan. "These meals provide more than sustenance. They help fuel dreams and build stronger communities as we work together to create a world where no child has to go to bed hungry or wonder where their next meal will come from."

Forever Living assembled volunteer teams in 38 cities across 24 countries to reach their meal packing goal. The meals provided will impact over 51,000 lives in 16 countries, including Zimbabwe, India, El Salvador, Cambodia and South Africa.

Forever Living is bringing the final meal packing event of the Forever We Rise campaign home to Scottsdale to celebrate the volunteers who made reaching this goal possible.

About Forever Living Products

Forever Living Products is the world's largest producer, manufacturer and distributor of aloe vera products worldwide. Founded in 1978, the company has grown to operate in more than 160 countries by offering a wide range of innovative products to help people adopt a healthy lifestyle and earn income through Forever's direct selling opportunity. Forever supports Rise Against Hunger from their global offices and through the charitable organization, Forever Giving.Learn more about Forever Giving learn more about Forever Living Products,

About Rise Against Hunger

Rise Against Hunger, an international hunger relief organization, which has facilitated meal packaging for millions of meals distributed to 74 countries around the world. For more information about Rise Against Hunger, see

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Forever Living Products Packages 5 million meals to fight world hunger - PRNewswire

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