Families need to be involved in healthy lifestyle for pre-schoolers – The Straits Times

The decision by the ministries of Health (MOH) and Education (MOE) to start physical activities and healthy eating in pre-schools is a brilliant move to curb the rising obesity trend of Singapore children (Improving kids' health: More exercise, better diet; Feb 24).

The children are at the best age to internalise what is taught.

But adults, especially teachers, have to set a good example by exercising and eating healthily, and explaining the rationale for their actions.

It is also important that the MOE be creative in the way it teaches these children the basic principles of healthy living, including the right types of food to eat.

However, the role that families play should not be forgotten (Help parents become good examples of healthy living by Dr Teoh Ren Shang; Feb 27).

All this education will be wasted if the families of these children break all the rules.

This healthier lifestyle has to be a culture in their families as well.

Only then will there be real results from the work put in by the MOH and MOE.

Leow Wen Hao

The rest is here:
Families need to be involved in healthy lifestyle for pre-schoolers - The Straits Times

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