Dabur Immune India: A reminder of the healthy way of life – Republic World – Republic World

Dabur Immune India is an initiative by Dabur Ashwagandha in association with Republic to highlight the importance of immunity in maintaining a good health. The campaign will also focus on the benefits of Ayurveda. This is an initiative to analyze the cognizance in the Indian population about the centuries-old medical system Ayurveda and its preaching about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The COVID-19 outbreak across the world has pushed the global population to reconsider all the necessary steps that are taken to ensure a healthy life. More importantly, mankind is finally realizing the importance of enhancing the bodys natural defense system immunity.

Mankind is suffering from a great loss as tens of millions are affected and an alarming amount of people have lost their lives. As scientists and researchers try to come up with a cure or vaccine, human beings are left to figure out a way to stay healthy amidst the pandemic with changes in their lifestyle. In such times, maintaining a healthy immune system becomes a chore of paramount importance.

Immune India will not only help by opening a dialogue about maintaining your immune system, it also finds solutions in the medical science originated in India. Ayurveda the science of life or age, is one of the oldest disciplines of healing sciences. Ayurveda heavily depends on the medicines and cures that are found within nature.

With this initiative, Dabur Ashwagandha asks the citizens to act responsibly and take all the necessary preventive measures so as to ensure a healthy future. To know more about the initiative, tune into a town hall discussion, this Saturday at 7 PM, only on Republic TV.

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Dabur Immune India: A reminder of the healthy way of life - Republic World - Republic World

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