COVID-19: Ayurvedas emphasis on healthy food habits and good sleep – The Financial Express

To the extent possible one should try to adopt the practice of having early and light dinner. (Representational image: IE)

ByBhuvaneswari Ravindran

Ayurveda recommends that good food habits have to be followed up with a healthy lifestyle and exercising. In these lock down days, when we are stuck at home, engaged in indoor activities only, most people are forced to follow a sedentary lifestyle, with little or no physical activity. Most important routine that we should adopt is having a fixed time for waking up. Morning hours being the most energetic and fresh time, getting up early gives a good kick start to an active day.

Exercising daily for at least half an hour, on an empty stomach, is important. Breathing exercises like Pranayama help in managing respiratory ailments, improve immunity, lower stress and enhance the quality of life and are recommended even for people suffering from COVID-19. Maintaining hygiene of the body and surroundings is important.

Take a bath preferably twice a day, in room temperature water, depending on climatic conditions. Taking bath immediately after exercise is not recommended.

Ayurveda on importance of early dinner and good sleep

To the extent possible one should try to adopt the practice of having early and light dinner. While talking of early dinner, I remember the advice given by Padma Shri P.K. Warrior of Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala that we should emulate birds, who take their dinner much before sunset and retire to their nest early.

Good sleep is a sign of good health. Our routine should be that of early to bed and early to get up and not sleeping during day time. These healthy lifestyle routines are easily adaptable and with proper food intake, we can sure build up our immunity level to fight the Virus.

With so much gloomy news floating around us, the Doctors concluding advice is worth emulating STAY HOME STAY SAFE encourage and transmit only positive thoughts. Those of us who are at home and with family, let us fully utilise this Stay Home time, spending more quality time with family, doing things which give pleasure to our mind. Meanwhile let us also pause can we be of some help to those around who are away from family or those who are trying hard to make both ends meet?

The long-drawn fight against Coronavirus is on in right earnest and there is no reason why we should choose to be the losers.

The author is Director (Retd.), Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi and Formerly Joint Development Commissioner (Special Economic Zones), CSEZ. Views expressed are the authors own.

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COVID-19: Ayurvedas emphasis on healthy food habits and good sleep - The Financial Express

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