Coronavirus anxiety? We asked experts how to stay healthy, fit, calm and positive – Lansing State Journal

Stay home and stay safe.

The state directive, meant to prevent further spread of the new coronavirus, puts many Lansing area residentsin uncharted territory.

With anxiety spreading as quickly as the pandemic, how can you best manage your own health and focus your perspectiveduring the outbreak?

Here's what experts recommend:

They've beenrepeated endlessly, but these five basics offer critical protection.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,the virus that causes COVID-19 is often spread when someone is in close contact with a person who sick, through droplets caused by a sneeze or cough. Here are some ways you can prevent the spread of COVID-19:

More: Coronavirus FAQ: What to know about COVID-19, how to protect yourself and when to see a doctor

More: What you need to know about coronavirus testing in Michigan

Disruptions in your life and the steady stream of pandemic news can cause stress, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has a host of recommended ways people can support themselves during social distancing, quarantine and isolation:

Don't have a doctor and need more info on services available locally?

Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham counties offers mental health services. Find out more

Dr.Jean-Guy Daigneault of Mission Nutrition in East Lansing believes now is a great time for people who don't typically cookto learn.

"I would see this as an opportunity to do a little learning," saidDaigneault. "People should aim to eat real food and stay away from food that's processed like fast food which weakens immune system."

Daigneault offers tips for how to optimize your health during this pandemic.Thiswellness expert suggests you:

More: Coronavirus: How to use grocery delivery and pickup services during the crisis

Becky Newcombe, certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor in East Lansing, shares her top tips for maintaining physical fitness while respecting Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's executive order.

More: Coronavirus: What does 'stay home, stay safe' order mean for Greater Lansing residents?

Newcombe's advice:

Newcombe encouraged peoplenot to feel limitedduring this time. She suggestedusing what's at home to support fitness efforts.

"The stairs in your house can help you with cardio drills, your counter or a chair can help you continue to do those Barre exercises," Newcombe said."Body weight exercises are some of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle."

Reporter Megan Banta contributed to this article.

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Coronavirus anxiety? We asked experts how to stay healthy, fit, calm and positive - Lansing State Journal

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