Coping with COVID-19 means staying healthy by staying in – The University of Alabama Crimson White

Mariah Kravitz, Guest ColumnistAugust 20, 2020

In the spring, many students only went weeks between hearing about COVID-19 for the first time and being sent away from campus because of it. In compliance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, students finished the semester remotely and lost out on socializing with their friends. The adjustment was hard on many students mental and physical health, and despite everyone returning to campus, the challenges to regaining a healthy lifestyle are still present.

In an effort to make the upcoming semester both successful and familiar, the University has put strict measures in place. Everyone must wear a mask and social distance whenever possible. Classes will be offered in three different styles depending on the number of students: face-to-face, online and hybrid. Every student, faculty member and staff member must test negative for COVID-19 upon arrival and update the school at least every three days through Healthcheck.

Luckily, there are additional ways to ensure youre maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

There are concerns therefore that, in the context of the pandemic, lack of access to regular sporting or exercise routines may result in challenges to the immune system, physical health, including by leading to the commencement of or exacerbating existing diseases that have their roots in a sedentary lifestyle, according to a recent article from the United Nations.

While the pandemic may keep you from training at the gym or going on a hike with a group of your friends, there are plenty of other safe ways to stay both physically active and socially distant.

Theres always a way to get exercise on campus. The Quad is a popular venue for runs or walks just remember to grab your mask.

According to the CDC, the stress surrounding the pandemic can lead to the development of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. While being home with your family or roommates may be comforting at first, being with the same group of people can provoke feelings of irritability and annoyance over time. One contributing factor to poor mental health is social media, where some people turn when stripped of the freedom to leave their homes.

It is possible to alter ones mindset while being stuck indoors by taking time for oneself and finding peace in the quiet.

A free online self-help module is available to students through their MyBama account. This includes Thrive Campus, a website that evaluates and connects students to an outside counselor or provider. Beginning the week of Aug. 31, the counseling center will also be holding virtual support groups throughout the upcoming semester.

The pandemic drastically impacted places of worship, unsettling routines and leaving some congregants with no way to worship corporately. While some places of worship pivoted to virtual services or limited seating, some spiritual people may miss the experience of attending a live service.

There are still a number of ways to stay spiritually connected during the quarantine.

There are several organizations available on campus that are tailored to every denomination. Find a list here.

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Coping with COVID-19 means staying healthy by staying in - The University of Alabama Crimson White

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