Career Hunt SK

Kelly Running

Joan Bue skips with a grade two during the Jump Rope for Heart event held at the Carlyle Elementary School. She taught the youth a number of fun different ways to enjoy skipping.

Kelly Running

Carlyle Elementary School found themselves promoting a healthy lifestyle as they participated in the Heart and Stroke Foundations Jump Rope for Heart, a program where youth collect pledges for heart disease and stroke research.

Approximately 4,000 schools across Canada participate with nearly 750,000 kids participating in the event.

In Carlyle the grade two students accompanied by grade six playground leaders practiced Thursdays at noon for six weeks before completing their half an hour of skipping rope on Thursday, March 20.

We used to do the whole school, event organizer Joan Bue explained. Theres too many kids to fit in here now and the grade threes and up do cross country, and track and field, so this gives the grade twos something special to do.

Something special indeed as the grade twos successfully raised $3,329.25 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, which they cheered loudly about when the number was revealed by Bue after the skipping was completed.

The amount we raise stays in Saskatchewan with the Heart and Stroke Foundation and were given 10 percent of what we raise back to us, Bue stated.

The youth will deliberate on what to use this money for as they are currently completing a social studies program promoting community projects.

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Career Hunt SK

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