CADA Launches new Committed Campaign, encouraging teens to be substance free.

March 2014 The Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse has launched a new student led campaign supporting teens committed to a healthy lifestyle by staying alcohol and drug free. The Committed Campaign replaces Free for the Weekend and signifies a shift by CADA to engage both teens and their parents in the fight against substanceabuse.

Students in CADAs Friday Night Live, a youth leadership program, came up with the Committed name and designed the wristbands, underwritten by Union Bank. Alondra Broeffle, a member of Friday Night Live, says wearing the wristbands represents, that we dont have to do drugs and alcohol to have fun. The group believes there are plenty of other options for having a good time. Breana Jimenez explains, We love going to the beach, hiking, or really just hanging with friends and doing nothing, andNetflix!

Others in the group have had personal experiences with alcohol and drug abuse. One teen says her older brother was arrested and sent to a treatment program for substance abuse. She says as a result, I learned what I didnt want to do by watching my brother. Also, I didnt want my parents toworry.

Student leaders will launch the campaign in local schools beginning April 7th and plan to distribute over five-thousand Committed wristbands to their peers. Youth-led classroom presentations will engage hundreds of students in conversation about the risks associated with underage drinking and substance use while lunchtime activities and pledging will highlight the benefits of committing to a healthy lifestyle. Parents are also encouraged to participate in the Committed Campaign by signing a parent-pledge available on the CADAwebsite.

Photo op Wednesday, April 10th, Dos Pueblos HighSchool

10:50-11:45am, School Assembly * 12:30-1pm, Special Lunch-TimeActivities

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CADA Launches new Committed Campaign, encouraging teens to be substance free.

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