Brian May Gives An Update On His Current Health Status As He Unveils The Method He Found The Most Helpful – Metalhead Zone

The co-founder and lead guitarist of Queen, Brian Mayhas revealed the best way he knows to get through these crazy times emerged out of the global pandemic of COVID-19 while giving an update on his new healthy lifestyle.

As you might remember,Brian May suffered from a heart attack, and he was treated in the hospital for a while back in May 2020. When he got back home, May shared his pictures and videos letting his fans know that he was getting better and better every day.

The legendary guitarist, Brian May, has been pretty busy, working on his brand new Christmas collaboration with the Broadway star, Kerry Ellis, and signaling that hes on to something through his visits to the Apollo Theatre, formerly the Hammersmith Odeon, where Queen performed Bohemian Rapsody for the first time live.

Lately, May has taken Instagram with a video, focusing on the issue that how he manages to keep going against all the odds in 2020. The legend advised his fans who feel a bit aimless and flat, as can be with this seemingly endless battle with the pesky coronavirus, to try fitness.

Although this daily practice came late to his life, May admitted it drastically changed everything for him. Brian May explained that his state of health got better each day because of fitness which provides not only physical benefit but also mental wellness.

Heres what Brian May said in his recent Instagram post:

If youre feeling a bit aimless and flat, as can be with this seemingly endless battle with the pesky coronavirus, try fitness!!! I came to it late in life, but its changed everything for me.

Its a physical benefit, but its great for the mind too. Somehow, having a regular exercise regime gives you a strong thread to hold on to. Get advice, and monitor your heart rate to keep safe. Im not imagining this is a glamorous picture!

But to Hell with it! Join me! Important PS. If you think youre too depressed to do this thats a very good reason to try it. Its the best way I know to get through those dark days. Bri.

You can see the post below.

Originally posted here:
Brian May Gives An Update On His Current Health Status As He Unveils The Method He Found The Most Helpful - Metalhead Zone

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