State proposals to expand health care coverage to poor deserve support: Opinion

OUR STATE has an opportunity to lead the nation in paving the way for improved access to health care for underserved and low-income citizens, who represent a disproportionate share of the nation's health care costs because they are unable to afford health insurance. This population also disproportionately faces environmental and nutritional issues, as well as chronic conditions, that themselves exacerbate health problems, creating a vicious cycle of growing health care needs without corresponding health coverage.

On Jan. 28, California lawmakers introduced a series of proposals to help implement the Affordable Care Act - President Obama's national health care overhaul - and to expand Medi-Cal, the state's public insurance program for the poor. The proposals were the first part of a special session, requested by Gov. Jerry Brown in his State of State speech on Jan. 24, that was dedicated expressly to implementation of the overhaul.

Arguably the most significant of these bills is one to streamline the enrollment process for Medi-Cal, with the aim being to enroll hundreds of thousands of Californians - up to perhaps as many as half a million - who are eligible for the program but have not signed up. Additionally, a proposal to expand the income levels for Medi-Cal eligibility could make another 1.4 million Californians eligible for the coverage.

Though the federal government foots most of the bill for Medi-Cal, implementation of these newest

It would be money well spent, in my view, as it would follow the "spending money to make money" philosophy. The costs for enhancing Medi-Cal coverage, and thus health care access, for up to nearly 2 million people pale in comparison to the health care costs, and potential care costs, that will be generated by that same, uninsured population over time. From a dollars-and-cents standpoint, it simply makes sense, even if an initial outlay of several million dollars is needed to make it happen.

Beyond and above the money, though, stand the people themselves. From a humanistic perspective, expanding coverage for this population is clearly the right thing to do, for it fulfills what I believe to be a social duty all of us carry to help those among us with the most limited means. Their challenges are of the very basic variety - feeding, clothing and housing themselves and their loved ones. A "luxury" like paying for health care coverage, or having the cash on hand for a trip to the emergency room, the dentist or the eye doctor, is beyond the realm of their daily existence.

Yes, some see them as the face of the health care "problem," but that is a deeply mistaken perception. What they truly represent is our finest opportunity to make the system work for everyone; the improved health and ease of care access they will one day enjoy is the benchmark by which we will gauge not only the efficacy of health care itself, but also the depth of our commitment to our fellow citizens.

Noble words and intentions cannot quickly solve the problems at our doorstep, to be sure. In addition to the funding issues attached to implementation of the ACA and an expanded Medi-Cal program, an ongoing shortage of physicians will make simply finding enough doctors for the larger pool of insured citizens a stiff challenge. Bureaucracies also simply do not disappear overnight, nor do the myriad rules and regulations that are their stock in trade. Navigating these waters will continue to be tricky, especially as the landscape changes.

But keep this in mind. Our country has the finest health care professionals in the world, expertly trained and blessed with access to superior technology and resources. The shining city on the hill that represents the best of our health care system has welcomed millions of us, offering healthier todays and brighter tomorrows through education, innovation, compassion and caring.

But that city cannot be reached by millions more of us. Now is the time to help them successfully make the journey.


State proposals to expand health care coverage to poor deserve support: Opinion

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