Sodexo cutting health care benefits by reclassifying workers – Thu, 26 Dec 2013 PST

Citing the federal Affordable Care Act, national food-service provider Sodexo is cutting health care benefits for more than 30 of its Spokane-areaworkers.

The national company, which has more than 120,000 workers nationwide at hospitals, colleges, military bases, clinics, nursing facilities and other locations, has roughly 270 workers inSpokane.

Sodexos changes are part of a national reaction by large and small companies to the new federal law. The Affordable Care Act lets companies redefine which workers receive medical insurance, a costly benefit that it can now reduce by shifting workers to newly created private healthplans.


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Sodexos full-time areaemployees:

188 now, 111 inJanuary.

Sodexos part-time areaemployees:

83 now, 144 inJanuary.

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Sodexo cutting health care benefits by reclassifying workers - Thu, 26 Dec 2013 PST

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