Poll: Deep divide between parties on health care reform

>>> president obama is on the road today trying to sell his health care plan. boy, does he have a lot of selling to do. according to the latest poll, the law remains unpopular with the american public. perhaps growing more so. poll shows 49% of americans believe health care reform is a bad idea. compare that to just 37% who say it's a good idea. 38% of respondents believe they will be worse off under the law compared to just 19% who say they will be better off and there's a deep division between the two pearties on how they think they'll fair. 67% of republicans say they'll be worse off compareded to just 4% who say they will be better off. let's bring in our gaggle. president of american bridge and former spokesman to harry reid . republican pollster kristen anderson and nbc correspondent kelly o'donnell.

>> morning.

>> morning.

>> health care 's unpopular. that's not news, kelly, but i think the fact that it is a growing gulf. it's a little bit, it's always been a challenge imp menation, much more so and the president's doing an event today, a rare event when it comes to health care .

>> people have been saying these last couple of years, the rollout would be a challenge an we're seeing that and it's complicateded by things like the irs issue. certainly conservatives are jumping on that saying boy, you cannot deed of trust that agency to help implement this. in one case where people seem most happy are the 26-year-olds who get to stay on their parent's plan, a very tangible way people seemed to access that benefit and seemed to like it. but when you get to the complication of it and at a time when people are weary about government, there seems to be a more physical attention about what's going to happen.

>> what's debatable is how much impact is it really going to have on most people. now, we asked people how they get their insurance in various ways so we could slice it up a little bit. not surprisingly, those who self-insure are paying a lot more attention and they believe that they're going to be worse off versus better off and frankly, if you look at the numbers to self-insured, if you're healthy, you are. but this is a very, very small slice of the public. so will that really have the long-term impact politically?

>> if the affordable part of the affordable care act is not a reality, then absolutely. i think more than what president obama can say in a speech or what conservatives can say, more than how that will matter is how it's affecting somebody's bottom line. do they think it's fair. do they think it's a result of obama care and if they think they personally are being negati --

>> i would argue the biggest problem democrats are facing is that there has been a monsoon of money against health care . i'm going to put up a number here. $475 million has been spent on health care . since 2010 . i believe the break down is 400 million against health care . 75 million in favorite. it's been run all over the place. before i get you to respond to that, i want to play an ad up this week against mark pryor . watch a clip.

>> when senator pryor was the deciding vote for obama care, it was a huge let down for the state of arkansas and people haven't forgotten that.

>> jeanne shaheen cast the deciding vote for obama care. now, employers may cut your weekly work hours from 40 to 29 to avoid the new taxes and penalties.

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Poll: Deep divide between parties on health care reform

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