Microsoft, General Electric unite to improve health care data

In a downtown Bellevue, Wash., high-rise last week, the doors opened to a new health care joint venture formed by two of the world's largest companies: Microsoft and General Electric.

Caradigm, as the 50-50 joint venture is called, is aimed at bringing together Microsoft's strengths in developing large-scale data platforms with GE Healthcare's expertise in building health care applications.

The idea is to create a system that will allow health care organizations to better track individual patients, as well as to take advantage of the ability to bring together, and make sense of, large amounts of data from disparate sources.

The overall goal is to deliver better care at lower costs. "The premise is we'll be better together than separate," Caradigm CEO MIchael Simpson said last week of the two companies coming together. He also said a smaller joint-venture company would be able to act more nimbly than two giant companies.

Caradigm employs 600 in offices in Bellevue; Salt Lake City; Andover, Mass.; Chevy Chase, Md.; and other cities. The company is expected to employ about 750 people eventually.

The niche Caradigm aims to fill is related to the greater amounts of available electronic medical data and the drive toward interoperability - the ability for different health care systems and information from those systems to work with and relate to each other.

Those trends are happening worldwide, Simpson contends, and in the U.S. are being spurred in large part by the U.S. government. The HITECH Act of 2009, for instance, offers incentives for hospitals and physicians to use electronic health records.

But just digitizing the information led to the creation of different "silos" of data - with medical records being separate from analytical tools, for instance, or one company's offerings being unable to work with another company's.

Caradigm aims to create a layer that brings all that data together, allowing for easier data sharing and permitting clinicians to aggregate data so they can learn from it and use it strategically.

"Caradigm creates the big umbrella to bring all those silos together," Simpson said.

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Microsoft, General Electric unite to improve health care data

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