Michael T. Jamison: Our health care future

Photo by Igor Kopelnitsky/inxart.com

I do not have a crystal ball, just educated speculation. The Affordable Health care Act, Obamacare, will redefine health care delivery in the United States.

The intent was to provide high quality health care for all Americans, but the unintended consequences may lower quality of care, increase costs and simultaneously bankrupt the system.

Highly educated lawyers and politicians wrote the health care bill. Every word was carefully chosen and scrutinized. The bill was never intended to improve health care. It was specifically designed, with full intent, to facilitate complete government control over the health care system, whatever the cost.

The bill was designed to force people into the ever-expanding Medicaid program, which will in turn become the single-payer National Healthcare Program for all Americans.

We are now experiencing the following consequences of Obamacare:

n The demise of the independent practitioner. Obamacare does not allow for the small independent practitioner. Rules and regulations are so complex that only large groups, corporate medical institutions and hospitals will be able to comply.

The independent personal physicians will not have the financial resources to hire all the administrative personnel to comply with Obamacare mandates.

n Your local physician will be driven out of practice. This was done on purpose. Our government feels the independent practitioner is hard to control. By forcing them out of business the patients will have to go to large institutions.

These institutions will be fully under the control of the federal government by mandated rules and regulations. The government will determine which services you get and more importantly, which services you will not receive. Essentially, total government control of the system independent of the physician.

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Michael T. Jamison: Our health care future

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