Marcia M. for Dr. Mary Lou Rane – Video

Marcia M. for Dr. Mary Lou Rane Dr. Mary Lou Rane has a Ph.D. in Nutrition and has had a successful private practice in holistic health since 1988. I was lucky enough to film some of her many patients and record first hand the healing she has offered over the years. In her practice, she has assisted thousands of patients in their recovery from physical and emotional #39;dis-ease. #39; Dr. Rane does not diagnose or treat disease, but rather, implements various techniques which utilize the body #39;s own wisdom to uncover and correct physical and mental dysfunction. In addition to her practice, Dr. Rane continues to teach numerous seminars in nutrition and self-awareness as part of her clients #39; ongoing advancement to complete well being. She has also assisted in the presentation of Neuro Emotional Technique and Contact Reflex Analysis to health care professionals.From:DrMaryLouRaneViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:20More inEducation

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Marcia M. for Dr. Mary Lou Rane - Video

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