LSU looking for private health care partnerships

DSNAP sites announced for St. Charles, Tangipahoa residents DSNAP sites announced for St. Charles, Tangipahoa residents The new application sites will open Sunday, Sept. 9.more>> The new application sites will open Sunday, Sept. 9.more>> West Nile deaths jump to 10 in Louisiana West Nile deaths jump to 10 in Louisiana There are31 newcases of West Nile virus, bringing the total number of infections in the state to176.


"To minimize wait times, applicants and anyone who pre-applied for benefits should go to a DSNAP location only on the day indicated by the first letter of their last name. Applicants who are unable to visit a site on their designated day can go on the final two days each site is open."

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - The LSU Board of Supervisors is poised to start a search for private investors and health care companies who might be interested in running some of the university's hospitals, as the Jindal administration pushes for governance changes.

The board on Friday is considering a proposal to solicit ideas for private partnerships for its public hospitals in Shreveport, Monroe and Pineville.

LSU leaders are looking for ways to cut costs at the university-run hospitals and network of clinics after Gov. Bobby Jindal stripped a quarter of the health care system's funding. Jindal has said LSU must change its model of providing services.

The university is considering whether to sell or lease some of its facilities to private health care companies, in arrangements that could still allow for the medical training programs.

(Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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LSU looking for private health care partnerships

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