Letter: Challenge

Michael Wheeler, Naples


I don't understand comments sent to your newspaper regarding the Affordable Health Care Act.

While I am a conservative Republican, we need to address the health-care needs of the country, not just criticize Obamacare or the Supreme Court decision.

Those who have written those letters just don't understand the problems of the current health-care system. If any of those people had friends or relatives who had the misfortune of having health-care problems and not working for a business that supplies health-care insurance or the government, they might understand that reform is necessary.

Insurance companies are in the business to make money so they don't have to insure anyone with health issues. If the insurance companies do offer insurance to individuals with health issues, they add a rider to the policy so they don't have to cover those issues.

As far as the new Health Care Act being a tax, yes, it is a penalty tax for those who do not have insurance. There is no new tax for people who maintain health insurance. Why is that any different than requiring auto insurance?

I really don't want to pay health-care costs for people who do not have insurance so I am glad the government is requiring people to have it.

I challenge any of those writers of negative letters to go to an insurance company and try to get health insurance.

If they can find affordable health care, for a reasonable cost, I will gladly go on board for Mitt Romney and all other Republican candidates who can't seem to think beyond the party line.

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Letter: Challenge

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