IHI Issues Action Brief for Health Care Leaders in the Post-Election Era


The Institute for Healthcare Improvement:


A new report from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Out of the Blocks: An Action Brief for Health Care Leaders in the Post-Election Era, outlines key findings, predictions and insights from some of the nations foremost quality improvement and policy experts. The 14-page action brief recaps proceedings from an event held in Washington, DC, just two days after the presidential election, that brought together more than 100 health care leaders to discuss election results, what they signaled for health reform, and the strategic priorities of US health care organizations.

Co-chaired by IHI CEO Maureen Bisognano and IHIs Board Chairman Dr. Gary Kaplan (Chairman and CEO of Virginia Mason Medical Center), and emceed by IHI Founder and former Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Dr. Donald Berwick, the day also featured the insights of Former Senators Bill Frist and Tom Daschle.

Key findings:

Health care providers must determine innovative ways to address the challenge of impending reimbursement cuts and many are eager to reconfigure care in inventive ways to succeed within tighter budgets.

Providers must consider adjusting practice patterns, spanning solutions for both cutting costs and improving care including the use of telemedicine, group appointments, social media and community campaigns.

Providers are becoming more open to payment reform and data transparency in exchange for looser regulation and more room to innovate opening the door for a potential grand bargain between policy makers and provider organizations.

Revenue pressures are driving closer collaboration between physicians and managers, and between providers and payors creating a more innovative environment to affect improvement.

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IHI Issues Action Brief for Health Care Leaders in the Post-Election Era

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