How Is Obamacare a Blessing in Disguise?

Health care i want to bring in someone who has written extensively about the affordable care act.

"bloomberg view" column this was with the mitt romney campaign and is now a professor at stanford law and a research fellow at the heritage foundation.

In his latest piece he writes "it is easy to dismiss obamacare is a failure, but here is something conservatives should begin to have -- director heads around.

For all consternation, obamacare may be a blessing in disguise." lahnee chen joins me from washington.

Blessing in disguise?

I am trying -- kind of surprised to hear you say that.


Good to be with you.

I think the reality is there are a lot of elements in obamacare that actually make it easier for us to have a conversation about the kind of health care reforms that conservatives have been fighting for for decades really.

That includes changing the tax treatment of health care, having an open and free marketplace where people can get competitive plans, so there are elements of obamacare that could one day be better.

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How Is Obamacare a Blessing in Disguise?

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