Hospitals face challenges as reform looms

VOORHEES Whatever else they may think of the health care atmosphere, hospital executives agree that change is coming.

"We have a very tough period of adjustment," said John Sheridan, president and CEO of the Cooper Health System, which owns the hospital of the same name in Camden. "We all have our hands full."

Sheridan was one of five panelists discussing the state of the region's hospitalsas they face reforms imposed by the federal Affordable Care Act, the increasing costs of technology, and looming shortages in doctors and nurses.

The forum, "The State of Hospitals," was hosted by the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey on Friday at the Mansion on Main Street.

About 150 people attended, a mix of business people that included bankers, engineers, lawyers and, not surprisingly, health care providers.

The executives agreed that there were many uncertainties flowing from the Affordable Care Act, which many consider the signature achievement of President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Washington. Many of the requirements will begin in 2014, such as mandatory insurance for all citizens.

"No matter what happens in the (presidential) election, we are in for a huge change in health care," said panelist Ron Johnson, president and CEO of the Shore Medical Center in Somers Point, Atlantic County.

Under the health care act, all Americans are required to have health insurance starting in 2014.

Johnsonreferred to the field as highly "schizophrenic" in terms of reimbursement for doctors and hospitals as well as spending.

"We're talking about cutting costs, but we're spending millions," he said.

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Hospitals face challenges as reform looms

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