Health Care System Falling Short for Stress Management, Detroit Residents Report

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Detroit residents, like Americans across the country, are finding a disconnect with what they want from their health care provider and what they actually receive, according to a new survey released today by the American Psychological Association (APA), conducted online by Harris Interactive among 2,020 U.S. adults ages 18+. In addition, 221 residents of Detroit were interviewed.

Thirty-five percent of Detroit residents say their stress has increased over the past year. And more Detroit residents report experiencing symptoms of stress this year, including headaches (31 percent in 2012 vs. 25 percent in 2011), changes in sleeping habits (34 percent in 2012 vs. 30 percent in 2011) and being unable to concentrate (24 percent in 2012 vs. 19 percent in 2011). The survey shows that only 38 percent of Detroit residents give their physical health care an "A" grade and only 26 percent of Detroit residents would give the same "A" grade to their mental health care.

Similarly, one-quarter of Detroit residents say that they discuss stress management with their health care provider often or always, which while low, is higher than Americans overall (26 percent vs. 17 percent nationally).

Stress also remains higher than what Detroit consider healthy. Detroit residents report an average stress level of 5.1 (on a 10 point scale), which is 1.4 points higher than what they define as a healthy level of stress (3.7 on a 10 point scale). Survey respondents in Detroit cite money, work, and the economy as the most common sources of stress, similar to adults nationwide (money: 69 percent for Detroit and nationally; work: 78 percent vs. 65 percent; economy: 65 percent vs. 61 percent). Detroit residents report reading (53 percent), exercising or walking (51 percent), and listening to music (46 percent) as ways that they manage their stress.

"Stress can negatively affect one's overall health, and the fact that most Detroit residents are not discussing their stress with their health care provider is concerning," said Dr. Katherine Nordal , psychologist and executive director of professional practice with the American Psychological Association. "With Detroit residents reporting higher levels of stress than what they consider healthy, it is important for people to talk to their provider about ways they can manage stress to prevent stress-related illness."

Findings from the national survey, Stress in America: Missing the Health Care Connection, suggest that people are not receiving what they need from their health care providers to manage stress and address lifestyle and behavior changes to improve their health. The survey showed that while Americans think it is important that health care focuses on issues related to stress and living healthier lifestyles, their experiences do not seem to match up with what they value. For example, though 32 percent of Americans say it is very/extremely important to talk with their health care providers about stress management, only 17 percent report that these conversations are happening often or always.

To read the full Stress in America report or to download graphics, visit

For additional information on stress, lifestyle and behaviors, visit and read APA's Mind/Body Health campaign blog Join the conversation about stress on Twitter by following @apahelpcenter and #stressAPA.


The Stress in America survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association between August 3 and 31, 2012, among 2,020 adults aged 18 and older who reside in the U.S. In addition, an oversample of 221 adults living in the Detroit Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) was collected. MSAs are a formal definition of metropolitan areas produced by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. These geographic areas are delineated on the basis of central urbanized areas contiguous counties of relatively high population density. Counties containing the core urbanized area are known as the central counties of the MSA. Additional surrounding counties (known as outlying counties) can be included in the MSA if these counties have strong social and economic ties to the central counties as measured by commuting and employment. Note that some areas within these outlying counties may actually be rural in nature. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. To read the full methodology, including the weighting variables, visit


Health Care System Falling Short for Stress Management, Detroit Residents Report

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