Health care ruling could tip races

SYRACUSE, NY Former Democratic Rep. Dan Maffei lost in 2010 after facing heat over his health care vote and hed like to just move on as he tries to regain his seat in 2012. GOP Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle beat Maffei by running on an anti Obamacare platform and shes more than happy to keep talking about the Supreme Court ruling from last week.

Something will have to give in this evenly divided, upstate New York swing district that pits a rematch between a self described Big D Democrat and an unapologetic conservative. Buerkle, who won in 2010 by a mere 648 votes, is on board with repealing the health care law and Maffei doesnt see the need to relive the nightmare of 2009s health care debate now that the Supreme Court has ruled.

I dont think people want to repeat past battles over and over again. The health care bill is the law of the land, the court ruled it constitutional, so lets improve it, said Maffei. You dont like whats in it? Give me a suggestion, Im open minded, but lets move forwardlets get past these partisan debates. Lets focus on jobs and the economy.

Its a theme thats sure to play out in swing districts across the country. Democrats will argue that the Supreme Court has spoken on the health care law, and try turn the conversation toward improving the economy. Republicans will say the law even though parts of it are popular tramples on individual freedoms and is a burdensome regulatory juggernaut.

Which side wins the debate in this district may be an important national barometer for how health care plays out in swing districts, with independent voters, across the country.

And its a particularly critical debate in a region where the recession still lingers, manufacturing jobs have gone away, and voters are suspicious that either party in Washington can help improve their way of life, especially when it comes to health care.

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They have to come together somehow to get the economy growing again, said retired Fair Haven resident Harris Brown, who says he will most likely vote for Buerkle again, but would like to see Washingtons partisanship toned down. If the economy is good, then health care will take care of itself.

Buerkle, however, has embraced the freshman warrior role, even as she represents a fairly moderate district.

She is one of the most conservative members of the House and Republican leadership continues to tap her to speak out on the health care law. She was one of a handful of lawmakers to address the press with Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor immediately after the health care ruling and she gave the national Republican address on the topic over the weekend. For her, the repeal of the health care law is directly linked to economic recovery the area needs. One example, she says, is a local medical device factory that will soon be subject to a 2.3 percent tax should the law fully take effect.

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Health care ruling could tip races

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