Health care provides fruitful career pathways

Topics: employment, jobs news

HEALTH care remains one of the largest employment sectors in the country, and based on past growth and future demand, should remain so for the foreseeable future.

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures place more than 1.4 million workers in the sector as at November last year - an increase of more than 45,000 in the preceding 12 months.

While demand for healthcare professionals will remain strong in regional and metropolitan areas, rural and remote locations will likely see greater demand - or at least greater difficulty in filling positions, due to the isolated nature of the regions.

However, as rural generalist Matthew Van Gent has learned, working in a rural location makes for a very rewarding professional and personal journey.

Matthew works as a senior medical officer (provisional fellow) in Roma, as part of Queensland Health's Rural Generalist Pathway.

Matthew said he and his wife had found the move to Roma simple.

"It's just a seven-minute walk to work, and my wife and I have more time to relax and appreciate life," he said.

Which isn't to say practising rural medicine is laidback or boring. Far from it.

"The learning opportunities in Roma are incredible, I'm remunerated very generously, and the responsibility and demands of this job obliterate any thoughts of boredom or complacency," Matthew said.

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Health care provides fruitful career pathways

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