Health care enrollment spikes in Utah in December

Health care enrollment spikes in Utah in December

Eds: Updates with details from the breakdown on age, gender and other details.

SALT LAKE CITY -- Enrollment in health care plans on the federal government's website spiked in Utah in December as thousands who previously were stuck in the pipeline got signed up, government figures released Monday show.

About 18,600 people had signed up for plans in Utah by Dec. 28. That's more than 10 times the total at the end of November.

The spike occurred across the country as people scrambled to beat enrollment deadlines. Nearly 2.2 million had signed up nationwide through late December, more than six times the November total.

The online federal marketplace that went live in October was plagued by glitches, leading to a slow start for enrollment.

In addition to those who already have chosen their plans, thousands more in Utah are in the process of getting enrolled. The new federal figures show nearly 32,000 people have completed their applications but have yet to choose a plan. Nationally, 4.3 million people are in the pipeline.

Utah's enrollees are significantly younger than those in most of the rest of the country, according to the administration's breakdowns on those who signed up for government-subsidized private insurance through the federal and state markets.

Twenty-nine percent of Utah residents enrolled are young adults ages 18 to 34. That's a higher percentage than all but two states: Massachusetts and the District of Columbia, which have far fewer total enrollees. Nationally, 24 percent of enrollees come from that age group.

Like the rest of the country, adults ages 55 to 64 were the most heavily represented age group in Utah. But, this age group accounts for just 25 percent of total enrollees in Utah, a lower percentage than every state except Kentucky, Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.


Health care enrollment spikes in Utah in December

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