Health care act's glaring omission: liability reform

Doctors order more tests and consultations to protect themselves from liability, Dr. Anthony Youn says.


Editor's note: Dr. Anthony Youn is an assistant professor of surgery at the Oakland University/William Beaumont School of Medicine in Michigan. He is the author of "In Stitches," a memoir about growing up Asian-American and becoming a doctor.

(CNN) -- Coverage for 30 million uninsured. A ban on lifetime payout limits. No co-pays or deductibles on preventive medical services. Insurers prohibited from excluding patients based on pre-existing medical conditions.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare") creates a massive, wide-scale overhaul of the heavily flawed and criticized health care system of the United States.

But for all of the Obama administration's work in creating this 906-page federal law, there is one glaring omission that could decrease the costs of health care and help relieve the upcoming physician shortage.

Medical liability reform.

How could the Obama administration create such a comprehensive overhaul of health care without addressing this issue? Although not a panacea for the health problems in the United States, the need for physicians to practice defensive medicine in order to avoid potential litigation has far-reaching consequences.

A 2008 survey of Massachusetts doctors found that 83% admitted to practicing defensive medicine. This study determined that 18% to 28% of tests, procedures and referrals and 13% of hospital admissions were performed for the sake of avoiding lawsuits.

In this one state alone, an estimated $281 million in unnecessary physician costs and more than $1 billion in excessive hospital costs was due to the practice of defensive medicine. Across the country, doctors are ordering tests and consultations as a way to protect themselves from potential liability.

The rest is here:

Health care act's glaring omission: liability reform

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