First responders, healthcare workers focus of upcoming retreat – Norfolk Daily News

SCHUYLER The St. Benedict Center here will host a variety of late-summer events designed to enrich the faith of participants.

On Saturday, Aug. 1, a one-day retreat called The Lord Took Me from Following the Flock: The Message of the Prophet Amos will offer participants a chance to look at how Amos gave shape to the word of the Lord. The event will be facilitated by the Rev. Joel Macul.

I Dont Remember will be a weekend retreat held Friday, Aug. 14, through Sunday, Aug. 16. Led by the Rev. Donald. W. Shane, the presentations will highlight Jesus meetings with Mary Magdalene, Peter, Paul, Matthew, Dismas and others and reflect on the real meaning of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick with personal experiences. The theme points to the total forgiveness the Father offers through His son. The event will begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday and continue until after lunch on Sunday.

The Rev. Andrew J. Vaccari and a team of pro-sanctity members will lead Praying with the Gospel of Matthew Hope in Daily Life as a Disciple during a weekend retreat beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 28, and continuing until after lunch on Sunday, Aug. 30.

Participants will learn about the Gospel of St. Matthew, pray with it and will explore the gospel used for the current liturgical year, reflecting on writings from the saints to deepen hope coming from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The weekend includes personal and community prayer, opportunity for individual spiritual direction and the sacrament of reconciliation, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass both Saturday and Sunday.

A time away for health care providers and first responders will be offered beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 8, and continuing until after lunch on Wednesday, Sept. 9. The event will be led by Patrick Davis and Deborah Sheehan.

Health care providers and first responders are on the front line of care in dealing with the coronavirus. Long work hours, the suffering of patients and families, potential threat to their life and family, uncertainty and little relief can take a toll on the spirit.

This retreat will be a space for paying deeper attention to what has happened beyond the surface details. It will be a time to renew and recharge for the days ahead. Spiritual direction will be offered.

A weekend retreat on how to live a balanced life in the midst of the many demands of everday living is set to begin at 6 p.m. Thusday, Sept. 17, and will continue until after lunch on Sunday, Sept. 20. In his Rule, St. Benedict offers helpful hint for how to find the right balance between prayer, work, human relationships and rest.

Program fees, as well as fees for room and board, apply for each of these events. To learn more or to register, visit or call 402-352-8819.


First responders, healthcare workers focus of upcoming retreat - Norfolk Daily News

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