Editorial: Massachusetts health care plan a model for fixes to Obamacare

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This application obtained by the Associated Press shows the short form for the new federal Affordable Care Act. The first draft was as mind-numbing as a tax form. Last month, the Obama administration unveiled simplified application forms for health insurance benefits under the federal health care overhaul. The biggest change: a five-page short form that single people can fill out. That total includes a cover page with instructions, and an extra page to fill out if you want to designate someone to help you through the process. (/J. David Ake / Associated Press)

Those whod wish to avoid every possible bump in the road could simply opt to stay put. They might feel safe, free from worry, but theyd quite obviously not be getting anywhere.

When President Barack Obama spoke last week about some anticipated difficulties around implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Obamacare, as it has come to be known the presidents critics immediately seized the moment. Where Obama had spoken of bumps along the road, they talked as though the whole plan was headed for the ditch. Because thats what theyve always wanted.

Most people understand that plans often need to be revised. Even a seemingly straightforward project like remodeling a kitchen is sure to run into unexpected twists and turns before it can be fully realized. Remaking the nations entire health care system was never going to be easy.

The president and his Democratic allies in Congress deserve a world of credit for having accomplished what had been a dream of progressives for close to a century. No one could rationally argue that the new law, much of which will begin to take effect this fall, would be able to be put into place without a hitch.

What to do? Identify the problems and find solutions. As in any project. And dont listen to those who continue to say it cant be done.

The plan that Massachusetts passed into law back in 2006 served as a model for Obamacare and it can do so again now.

The Bay States plan was ambitious, seeking to see that nearly everyone in the commonwealth had health insurance.

While it wasnt a home run in its first trip to the plate, officials didnt just throw up their hands and walk away. They revised it. And then again. And again.

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Editorial: Massachusetts health care plan a model for fixes to Obamacare

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