Ed is back, and fired up on health care!

>> understands one thing, power.

>> the perception that we're the party of the rich unfortunately continues to grow.

>> 40% are with him who believe they are victims.

>> that's frustrating. they play for power and not the people. that's their world but that's not the real america . that's not the real america .

>> new york city here we come. let's get to work.

>> well safe land in the big city . here we are. we're back on "the ed show." glad to be wu you. i haven't changed and i want you to know that and neither have the issues that i care about what had made "the ed show" the years over misnbc. matters that are important to middle class americans . so i thought on our first weekend show we would talk about something i keep hearing on the road wherever i go. it's health care . when you talk about families, when you talk about business. it's health care . it's important to keep in mind that john boehner , eric canter are still concerned about only one thing, taking away your health insurance .

>> obama care is going to drive up the cost of health care , drive up the cost of health insurance an make it harder fer sml businesses to hire workers.

>> we believe that at the core, i believe that at the core of who i am and i'm going to do everything i can to make sure that we don't wreck the best health care delivery system the world has ever known.

>> but you've called this the law of the land .

>> well, that just happens to be a fact. i want to repeal the law of the land . is that career? i don't know how he says it with a straight face. how can he believe that. that's what i want to focus on. the template of the rights have not changed a bit. john boehner and the republicans are still lying about health care . on friday the president on the offensive, he set the record straight .

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Ed is back, and fired up on health care!

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