Ed Gillespie ‘This Week’ Interview: 2012 Presidential Election; Obama Vs. Romney Tax Plan, Jobs – Video

07-10-2012 12:23 The Romney campaign senior adviser on the first presidential debate. ABC News 'This Week' Transcript: STEPHANOPOULOS: Let's hear from the Romney camp right now. Ed Gillespie joining us this morning. Ed, thanks for getting up this morning. You heard Robert right there, masterful, theatrical, fundamentally dishonest. I guess his basic point now about Governor Romney on his tax plan is either that he's not telling the truth about the scale of the tax plan or abandoning his economic theory. Which one is it? GILLESPIE: Well, the problem they have is that the debate's performance on Wednesday evening was not a matter of style, it was a matter of substance. And Governor Romney laid out a plan for turning this economy around, getting things moving again. He had a fact-based critique of President Obama's failed policies that the president was unable to respond to. And today and since then, the Obama campaign, they remind me a little bit of a 7-year-old losing a checker game, and then instead of being frustrated at the outcome, they sweep the board off the table. The fact is that if President Obama's re-elected, as Governor Romney pointed out, we'll have continued chronically high unemployment. We're going to have continued massive debt instead of moving toward a balanced budget. We've had this week the fourth trillion dollar deficit under this president. Health care premiums are going to continue to rise. Up to 20 million Americans will lose their employer-based health insurance ...

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Ed Gillespie 'This Week' Interview: 2012 Presidential Election; Obama Vs. Romney Tax Plan, Jobs - Video

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