Chamber Hosts Health Care Reform Seminar

The Youngstown-Warren Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted an event Wednesday addressing changes in health care reform.

The Chamber pulled together a panel of industry experts to help businesses understand the impact of health care reform on them. Topics included small business tax credits as well as potential penalties for employers.

Organizers said one of the misunderstood components is a health exchange for individuals.

"For individuals that earn less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level, they would be eligible for some type of subsidy in the exchange. The exchange right now for Ohio is going to be run by the federal government. But, we're also assuming the state will be in some kind of partnership with them," said John Cooper of Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, which was one of the event sponsors.

Health care experts also addressed the impact of changes on small businesses as well as large companies.

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Chamber Hosts Health Care Reform Seminar

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