‘We are all equal’ – The Recorder

Published: 7/27/2020 8:23:46 AM

On the front page of The Greenfield Recorder we read about the mistreatment of people because of the color of their skin. I have to remind you that people arent just judged by the color of their skin, but also because of where they come from. The Jews are harassed also. That one I dont understand because Jesus was born Jewish. I know, the majority of pictures of Jesus you see are white, but he was born in Bethlehem to a Jewish woman.

Years ago the Irish were treated just as badly when they came to America. Why? Because of where they came from.

This country was formed to offer safety for any nationality who came here looking for freedom from oppression. So, who decided we should go against the laws of our land and look down on people? The Blacks, in the beginning, didnt come here by their own free will. They were stolen from their own country and sold into slavery.

Women have been brought here and either sold into slavery as housekeepers or for sexual satisfaction for men. At one time women could be accused of being witches and killed by town government.

When God created the world he did not do it to promote one nationality over another. I believe he did it for variety. Can you imagine looking down from above and seeing only one color? I believe variety is the reason for all the nationalities on this earth. We are all created equally. No matter our color, our nationality, our gender, our status, our religion we are all equal. NO ONE has the right to look down on anyone else. So, kindly knock it off. NO ONE is better than anyone else.

Gods blessings.

Darlene Clark


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'We are all equal' - The Recorder

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