Whatever happened to teaching the Golden Rule? – The Recorder

Published: 1/9/2022 8:07:55 PM

Modified: 1/9/2022 8:07:06 PM

Treat everyone the way you want to be treated, with respect, kindness and empathy. Judge a person on their actions not how they look.

Nowadays, people are getting hired and fired based on their gender, sexual preference, religious believes, color of their skin and their politics. This is the antithesis of the Civil Rights act of 1964 and its derivative the EEOC.

Our country is heading in the wrong direction, it seems to me.

Now, covertly, how not to be a racists books and training documents are circulating in public schools. People have BLM signs on their lawn or window, virtue signaling in my opinion, propagating tribalism and division.

In print and video news reports, people are being described by their skin color or who they voted for, even though it has no relevance to the story.

Why are people described as or referred to; as African Americans? According to paleontologists homo sapiens originated in Africa and disseminated all over the world. We are all out of Africa. I consider myself to be an American first and foremost my heritage to be second.

Who is a person of color? Am I not included? Again, another term that divides us.

Identity teaching is seeping into public education, eroding testing standards, lowering grading guidelines in math and sciences to achieve equity, a public school buzzword. Instead of teaching up a student to achieve certain goals, lowering the bar is the answer, a very troubling trend.

National media rush in to defend and conjole Jussie Smolette after the alleged attack. Now, after Mr. Smolette was convicted, it was all lies and a hoax, the media are caricatures of the Three Wise Monkeys.

We are billion-year-old carbon,

And we got to get ourselves back to the garden. CSNY 1970.

Jim Bates


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Whatever happened to teaching the Golden Rule? - The Recorder

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