Out with the gold holders – The Spokesman-Review

The golden rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is a short phrase to guide us in all of our dealings with people. Everyone is better off.

There is, however, another golden rule that is less known: Those with the gold make the rules. Another short phrase that lately has led to fewer things for those without gold.

It seems that lately this phrase describes the actions of many of our elected officials AND their lobbyists.

Many of the present legislators are millionaires (the ones with the gold). Most laws passed, their rules, increases their gold holdings, taking money away from the real workers.

It is time to elect people who are not gold holders so the wealth is shared by those who are actually earning it, the forty-hour-per-week people.

Vote every chance that you get for the good of all. Vote gold-holding rule makers out of office.


Mark Thompson

Cusick, Wash.

Read more here:

Out with the gold holders - The Spokesman-Review

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