Letter: The left doesnt know what patriotism is – Red Bluff Daily News


In response to never-Trump Mitch Crows letter on July 2, even the casual observer will come to the conclusion that Mr. Crows crowing is the result of overdosing on the cool-aid so abundantly served up by the fake news media and the leadership of the Democratic Party and has no clue what sanity, patriotism and Christianity is all about.

Its plain to see his description of President Trump exactly describes the Clintons and Obamas, the most recent Democrats to occupy the White House. Both are filthy rich by selling out our country and leaving our national defense defenseless. Is that being patriotic?

Is refusing to call Arabs terrorists who make videos of beheading Christians and Jews, is that being Christian? Obama claimed he was a Christian. To what country does his loyalty go?

Mayors of major cities across the country for decades have been Democrats. I dont hear Mr. Crow objecting to the black on black crime that has claimed the lives of countless children over the decades. Or the rioting and destruction in these cities led by patriots of the Democratic Party, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. That is insane.

Sanity is making rational decisions such as renegotiating trade deals and removing restrictions made by Democrats that sent jobs overseas and by bringing back those jobs putting people back to work and off welfare.

Patriotism is devotion to our country and concern for its defense. When Donald Trump was sworn in as president our military was desperately inadequate for a proper defense. Our borders were wide open and we were under an invasion of illegals. President Trump built our military back to defend us and our borders are much more secure.

Being a Christian is following the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. President Trump has done just that. Minorities benefited the most from the jobs he brought back and his reforms in our criminal justice system. President Trump has brought back prayer in the White House and Merry Christmas is also welcome there.

Violence always begins on the left and is ignored by the left. Forty-eight shot, 11 dead over 4th of July weekend in NYC, add to the count Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis and all cities run by Democrats and the numbers go out of sight and what are the Democrats doing about it? Defunding or eliminating their police departments?

Les Wolfe. Red Bluff

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Letter: The left doesnt know what patriotism is - Red Bluff Daily News

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