Letter: Gun law won’t solve the problem – Concord Monitor

Published: 7/3/2020 12:10:23 AM

Modified: 7/3/2020 12:10:13 AM

In the June 25 Monitor one of the lead articles is about a new gun bill before our Legislature. The article starts off talking about the gravity of New Hampshires suicide crisis and that this bill attempts to deal with that by creating extreme risk protective orders. No doubt, this is a good idea if someones suicidal, have them give up any firearms.

It is true that firearms are the most commonly used method of suicide, but it is not true that this type of legislation will ultimately solve the suicide crisis. Unfortunately, where there is a will, there is a way, and the will certainly is there for so many especially our youth.

And, of course, it is not just an American problem. Look at Finland, for example: They have the highest youth suicide rate in Europe. But they also have strict gun laws.

So the issue is not just the preponderance of guns. Instead, common sense tells me it is a matter of the breakdown of family, morality, and spiritual values. These things provide a framework and an anchor to guide us and give us a sense of purpose and meaning something sadly lacking today, especially in New Hampshire, which has one of the lowest rates in the country of church and synagogue attendance.

Yes, we need to lock up our guns if a teenager in our household is suicidal, but how about turning our lives and our wills over to God and follow the Golden Rule?



See the rest here:

Letter: Gun law won't solve the problem - Concord Monitor

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