Invitation Stop Monsantoizing our Food and Agriculture – Video

Invitation Stop Monsantoizing our Food and Agriculture
Workshop on: MONSANTO, A THREAT TO HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT HUMAN RIGHTS Sunday, 9th December 2012 starting at 10 am Venue: Seminar Hall No 1, ICSSR Complex, Panjab University Campus, Chandigarh All are invited. Building People #39;s resistance to the Poisoning of our Food Future of Food in the Era of proprietary seed technologies is under severe threat. Monsanto is a dangerous Agro-Chemical, Seed and Genetic Engineering Giant. Monsanto is entering Punjab on the invitation of Government of Punjab. Monsanto is invited here to establish Research Centre in Punjab Monsanto #39;s markets expanding with taxpayers #39; funds in recent past Remember the drubbing that they got from KRRS in Karnataka Monsanto is known for its anti-Farmer, anti-People, anti-Nature products and operations world-over. It has not hesitated to use unethical and illegal bribing of decision-makers to get approvals for their products elsewhere. It has chased farmers and other for so-called royalties upto the import shores in Europe, from developing countries. It has sued and jailed farmers in the name of patent infringement. It is a profit-hungry corporation that reportedly had set as its objective control over all food grown. Monsanto controls most of the GM crop cultivation in the world -- this is a technology that is known to have health, environmental and trade impacts all over the world. Monsanto is our modern-day East India Company, bringing food and agricultural imperialism knocking at our doors. Let us oppose ...From:Aawaaz dotnetViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:36More inNonprofits Activism

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Invitation Stop Monsantoizing our Food and Agriculture - Video

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