Plastic Surgery – Is Gene Therapy the Future?

Los Angeles, California (PRWEB) June 16, 2013

According to a May 29, 2013 NBC News article, titled Gene Therapies for Regenerative Surgery Are Getting Closer, Says Review in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, researchers have made significant progress in the development of gene therapy techniques that can grow skin, bone and tissue for reconstructive surgery. Researchers from Padua University Hospital in Italy who conducted the review claim the potential benefits of using gene therapy in reconstructive surgery are numerous. (Go to

According to the article, gene therapy may be instrumental in solving a problem that most plastic and reconstructive surgeons face, which is the lack of sufficient tissue to correct deformities that patients have in certain areas of their body. For example, while most surgeons can effectively treat small burns, they often face major challenges while trying to treat patients with large burns, because such patients generally lack sufficient tissue to develop skin flaps that can adequately cover the affected area(s).

What this means, says Dr. Simon Ourian, Medical Director of Epione Beverly Hills, is that despite undergoing plastic surgery, some patients still need to use cosmetics to improve the appearance of their burns. However, by using gene therapy to promote the growth of specific tissue, reconstructive surgeons can, in future, improve the quality of plastic surgery treatments.

Further according to the report, in addition to improving the effectiveness of regenerative surgery through growth of different tissue, gene therapy can be used to control the growth factors that aid in skin healing, in the bone formation process, and the regeneration of injured nerves.

I look forward to seeing the results of future research and hope that the day we have practical ways to apply this technology isnt too far off, says Dr. Ourian.

Dr. Ourian has been a pioneer in laser technology and non-invasive aesthetic procedures including Restylane, Juvderm, Radiesse and Sculptra. These treatments are used for the correction or reversal of a variety of conditions such as acne, acne scars, skin discoloration, wrinkles, stretch marks, varicose veins, cellulite, and others. More information about gene therapy can be found on Epiones website.

See original here:

Plastic Surgery – Is Gene Therapy the Future?

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