27 . Medical Biotechnology: Part II. Gene Therapy, Tissue Engineering and Nanotechnology – Video

27 . Medical Biotechnology: Part II. Gene Therapy, Tissue Engineering and Nanotechnology
In theory, gene therapy offers a straight forward to the molecular treatment of various diseases, by using genes to prevent or treat disease by: Replacing a mutated gene(s) with a healthy copy; Inactivating/knocking out a mutated gene; or, Introducing new gene. Gene Therapy offers an approach to treating disease by either modifying the expressions of an individual #39;s genes or correction of abnormal genes. While this seems straight forward (ie replace or supply a healthy insulin gene in pancreatic cells of a diabetic) it has been difficult to actualize. Think here also about dual use problems (ie genetic doping for athletes, genetic modification enhancement for military personnel, and germline genetic engineering of humans with heritable genes). in this section we also review tissue engineering and some of the possibilities for nanotechnologies in medical devices. Nanosized GPS capable computers in our bloodstream?From:Albert KauschViews:1 0ratingsTime:36:53More inScience Technology

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27 . Medical Biotechnology: Part II. Gene Therapy, Tissue Engineering and Nanotechnology - Video

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