Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy | Medicinska …

The Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy is located at the Biomedical Center (BMC), Lund University, Sweden. Established as a joint venture between the Medical Faculty at Lund University and the Hematology Clinic at Lund University Hospital, our mission is to translate basic science to clinical applications.

Our research focuses on hematopoiesis, the continuous and dynamic process of blood cell formation. The laboratory consists of eight closely collaborating research groups that all share a common interest in investigating the properties of blood stem cellsto eventually understand and treat hematological disorders.

Five of our researchers belong to the Hemato-LinnExcellence Linnaeus Research Environment funded by The Swedish Research Council and Lund University. Several of the groups are engaged in StemTherapy, a Strategic Research Area for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine that is also supported by The Swedish Research Council.

Please welcome our new colleague MelissaIlsleyto the Flygare lab. Melissa joins our Division from theMater Research Institute, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, where she's studied the transcriptional control of erythropoiesis.During her postdoc project, Melissa will be screening for therapeutic targets of Diamond Blackfan anemia.

Welcome to the Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy, Melissa.

Congratulations to Shubhranshu Debnath and all co-authors, whose work "Lentiviral vectors with cellular promoters correct the anemia and lethal bone marrow failure in a mouse model for Diamond-Blackfan anemia" has been accepted in Molecular Therapy.

In this study, the authorsdemonstrate the feasibility of lentiviral-based gene therapy in a mouse model of Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA), a rare inherited bone marrow failure disorder. Using lentiviral vectors with cellular promoters, Debnath et al. cured DBA in a mouse model of the disease and improved the safety profile following integration as characterised by a lower risk of insertional oncogenesis.These findings support the potential of clinical gene therapy as treatment option for DBA patients in the future.

Congratulations to all authors!

On May 11, Carolina Guibentifwill defend her thesis entitled"Modelling Human Developmental Hematopoiesis".

May 11 at9 am; Segerfalk Lecture Hall, BMC A10

Professor Nancy A. Speck,Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Associate Professor Niels-Bjarne Woods

Professor Jonas Larsson


Welcome to this months Stem Cell Talk, which will take place onWednesday April 19th, starting at 14:45 with fika atSegerfalkLecture Hall at A10.

Speaker:Kenichi Miharada

Title: Stressresponse and management in hematopoiesis


Please welcome our new colleaguesEmma Smith, Mayur Jain and MitsuyoshiSuzuki, who recently joined the Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy.

Emma Smith will be working in Stefan Karlsson's group as a staff scientist, where she will be involved in a collaborative project that aims to develop gene therapy as treatment option for patients suffering from the rare geneticlysosomal storage disorder Gaucher's disease.

Mayur Jain joined Sofie Singbrant Sderberg's group as a postdoctoral fellow. During his postdoc project, Mayur will be elucidating disease contributing factors in myeloproliferative disease, andinvestigatehow chronic anemia affects the ability of hematopoietic stem cells to provide a balanced blood production.

MitsuyoshiSuzuki joined the Miharada lab from Juntendo University in Tokyo, Japan. During his postdoc project, he will be clarifying therole of bile acid in fetal hematopoiesis and liver development.

Welcome to our Divison!

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