Electro-Medicine : Neurons function revealed – Video

23-11-2011 22:10 There's a new way to explore biologys secrets. With a flash of light, scientists from the US Department of Energys Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley zeroed in on the type of neural cell that controls swimming in larval zebrafish. Using innovative light-activated proteins and gene expression techniques, the scientists zapped several zebrafish with a pulse of light, and initiated a swimming action in a subset of fish that was traced back to the type of neuron that drives the side-to-side motion of their tail fins. The technique behind this needle-in-haystack search for the neural roots of a specific behavior could become a powerful way to learn how any biological system works. newscenter.lbl.gov This three-dimensional microscopy image reveals an output neuron of the optic tectum lighting up in response to visual information from the retina. The scientists used this state-of-the-art imaging technology to learn how neurons in the optic tectum take visual information and convert it into an output that drives action. More information: newscenter.lbl.gov Dendrite growth and synaptogenesis in larval zebrafish optic tectum

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Electro-Medicine : Neurons function revealed - Video

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